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Ren's Little Corner

Just want to try Booklikes. I have my own blog, Ren's Little Corner, written in Indonesia. Consider to visit it, please :)
Dreamfever  - Karen Marie Moning MIND-FECKING BLOWING

Reduce one star because I, sometimes irritated to Mac. But Dreamfever is a turn of tide book (maybe for some people, it's Faefever. Because the cliffie ending), MANY things happen that make me finally can enjoy the ride with Mac

Also now why many fans RABID OVER Barrons. Ehm, if I'm on my pri-ya, I probably prefer him too to make me come back (okay, Roarke first, then Barrons. LOL!)

The ending still the same, cliffie that will make you rip your hair apart. Fortunately for me, I'm not waiting for years to get the answer, since I have my copy of Shadowfever now ;)

Angels & Demons - Malaikat & Iblis

Angels & Demons - Malaikat & Iblis - Dan Brown Review di blog : http://renslittlecorner.blogspot.com/2013/09/review-angels-and-demons-oleh-dan-brown.html

Buku yang dibaca sampai tidur jam dua malam, dan baca lagi sampai ga makan siang itu.. deserved 5 stars :)

Gara - gara buku ini juga, misua sempat ngambek ga mau anterin ke blok M. Untunglah dia mau, hahahay

Sebenarnya sih, kurang tepat kalau dibilang prequel The Da Vinci Code, karena memang petualangan pertama Dan Brown kan di Angels and Demons ini. Cuma karena yang kontroversisasi (halah ketularan Vicky X)), jadilah Davinci Code yang terkenal duluan.

Kalau ditelpon pas baru bangun pagi, kesel ngga? Robert Langdon, professor ahli simbologi di Harvard jelas kesal. Tapi tidak sekesal yang dia duga, saat mendapat faks dengan foto ilmuwan meninggal yang dicap dengan simbol "Illuminati". Kayaknya sejak novel Dan Brown, teori konspirasi tatanan dunia baru ini makin marak aja. Or is it just me? So, pergilah Robert ke Jenewa, Swiss. Ke organisasi CERN. Setelah melihat mayat sang ilmuwan, dan mendapati hasil karyanya yaitu antimatter dicuri, maka Robert yang cuma ahli simbologi biasa pergi ke Vatikan dengan Vittoria, anak angkat Alexandro Vetra, ilmuwan yang meninggal. Daaaan.. bersukacitalah diriku ini membaca kisah kasih.. eh petualangan Robert dan Vittoria menjelajahi Vatikan, demi menyelamatkan masa depan Vatikan pada umumnya, dan Kepausan pada khususnya.

Apa yang bikin aku suka Dan Brown? Cara menulis dia yang luarrrr biasa. Terlepas dari apakah semua yang dia tulis itu hanya fiktif, atau fiktif yang difaktakan, semua hal yang patut ada di novel suspense ada di Angels and Demons. Konspirasi? Check! Aksi yang memacu adrenalin? Check. Misteri yang harus dikupas perlahan - lahan untuk menemukan jawabannya? Check. Twist? Oh, double check! Dan itulah kenapa diriku membaca Angel and Demons tanpa henti. Tanpa disambi buku lain. Karena begitu mengasyikkannya tulisan Om Brown ini. Selain kita juga diajak menelusuri Vatikan dengan sejarahnya, Vatikan dengan seni rupanya, dan Vatikan dengan kemegahannya. Siapa yang jadi ga penasaran pengen liat Basilika St Petros? Air Mancur Empat Sungai? Ekstase Santa Theresa? karya - karya Raphael, Michaelangelo dan Bernini? mengupas lebih dalam tentang karya Galileo dan kontroversinya dengan Gereja Katolik? Well, the nerd and adventurous soul in me is screaming yes, yes and yes!

Dibalik semua suspense, konspirasi, dan penjabaran Vatikan, sebenarnya ada tema khusus di semua novel Dan Brown. Mulai dari Angels&Demons ini, lalu The Da Vinci Code dan The Lost Symbol (Inferno sudah punya, tapi belum baca). Apa itu? Dan Brown seolah menyindir umat manusia saat ini, bahwa kita sudah sebegitu jauhnya dengan Tuhan. Dan ini berlaku untuk semua umat tanpa terkecuali. Manusia begitu mengagung- agungkan ilmu pengetahuan, sampai - sampai lupa sama Tuhannya sendiri. Apa- apa harus bisa diungkap dengan nalar dan akal. Manusia mungkin lupa, bahwa selain akal, kita juga diciptakan dengan hati. Dan hati inilah yang harusnya menguasai saat akal berkata tidak pada kebesaranNya. Karena, apa artinya kita jeniusnya sampai mengalahkan Einstein, kalau hati kita tidak beriman? Apa artinya kita hooh2 aja sama teori Darwin, kalau dalam hati kita tahu kalau manusia mana mungkin dari kera? Sebagai umat muslim, saya sering membaca artikel, bahwa di Al Qur'an saja ilmu pengetahuan juga dijelaskan. Well, saya bahkan suka baca penjelasan di Al Qur'an yang berhubungan dengan sejarah dan pengetahuan lho. Di alkitab saja ada, kenapa masih menyangkal kebesaranNya ya?

Ah, manusia kan begitu. Mereka takut akan apa yang dia tak mengerti. Sang pelaku yang membunuhi Alexandro Vetra dan semua kardinal calon paus, tak mengerti dengan apa yang dia lakukan. Gereja pada jaman Galileo juga tak mengerti dan takut pada ilmu pengetahuan saat itu. Padahal toh keduanya, agama dan pengetahuan juga bisa berjalan berdampingan bukan? Menurut saia juga, ilmu pengetahuan sekarang berkembang sangat pesat juga karena campur tangan Tuhan. Well, siapa yang menciptakan manusia? Langsung muncul aja gitu ceritanya? Fakta yang sangat simpel ini aja, nyatanya ya bikin banyak orang masih ga percaya Tuhan ya. Sedih sekali :(

Pesan yang kedua? Jangan fanatik. That's it. Kefanatikan yang buta lah yang membuat si Janus, pelakunya berbuat itu semua. Sampai mengebom Vatikan, karena dia percaya, something new must be build from the ruins. Menurut saia sih Janus ini selfishnya luar biasa. Kefanatikannya membuat dia jadi delusional dan ga mau dengar alasan apapun. Kolot dan tak mau membuka hati, begitulah :/

Perbedaan dengan filmnya cukup signifikan. Ga terlalu ingat sih, so beware of the spoiler yak :
- Vittoria di buku pakai kemeja biasa dan celana pendek, sementara di film dia pakai blazer dan rok span. Lebih suka versi buku sih, kesannya lebih kickass aja gitu :D
- Nama Charmelengo Carlo Ventresta diganti di filmnya. Dan alih - alih orang Italia, jadi diperanin sama Ewan McGregor yang seorang Irish
- Di bukunya semua kardinal tewas, yang terpilih jadi Paus adalah Kardinal Paul. Sementara di buku, kardinal yang terakhir selamat

Udah itu aja yang ingat, hahahaha XD. Banyak quote - quote menarik di buku ini. Sayang ga bawa bukunya. Mungkin nanti aja ditaruh di blog :D

Clean Sweep - Ilona Andrews Freebies on Ilona Andrews site

And what I can expect from Ms Andrews. Who know a strange mixture of inn, a girl with broom, brooding werewolf that rivaled Curran, a charming vampire from unique society Holy Cosmic Anocracy, can make me abandon my work at the office?

Also, Clean Sweep remind me of Twilight. But of course, still a better love story than Twiligh! XD

Team Sean FTW!!
Sinners at the Altar (Sinners on Tour, #6) - Olivia Cunning Include a decide-to-not-publish-because-L-word Appetite for Seduction ! Oh, you always now how to make your readers happy Olivia! :D


And this cover so rock, yeah! All books with rockers on it need a cover like the above ;)

More info, read here : http://oliviacunning.wordpress.com/2013/09/19/another-sinners-book-in-the-works/
The Professional: Part 1 - Kresley Cole I will read anything that this woman write :) (except her YA, lol!)

Note : Read on her FB page, Kresley said she come back again to Erotica, after Warlord Wants Forever. Well lady, your books IAD had some erotic moment for me. Remember Conrad and Malcom, and then the scene with Ice between Daniela and Murdoch? ;)
Seize the Night (Dark-Hunter, #6) - Sherrilyn Kenyon 4,5 stars

Oh, whoaaa, Val and Tabitha surprised me. And this book also SURPRISED me. So many things happen, things that will make readers sad, also a turn of tides. BTW, Valerius might be the first misunderstood tortured hero that Kenyon write, and I'm happy he find Tabitha for his mate. He need a spitfire girl who can really look into people's heart. Two misfits who never belong to the world, Val and Tabby is perfect for each other :')
Seize the Night (Dark-Hunter, #6) - Sherrilyn Kenyon 4,5 stars

Oh, whoaaa, Val and Tabitha surprised me. And this book also SURPRISED me. So many things happen, things that will make readers sad, also a turn of tides. BTW, Valerius might be the first misunderstood tortured hero that Kenyon write, and I'm happy he find Tabitha for his mate. He need a spitfire girl who can really look into people's heart. Two misfits who never belong to the world, Val and Tabby is perfect for each other :')

Night Play (Dark-Hunter, #6; Were-Hunter, #2)

Night Play (Dark-Hunter, #6; Were-Hunter, #2) - Sherrilyn Kenyon Surprisingly better than Kiss of The Night

Or, I finally get over my "romance books hangover", lol!

The Sorceress (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel, #3)

The Sorceress  - Michael Scott, Mohammad Baihaqqi Bakalan aku kasih 5 bintang, seandainya..

Ga ada penampakan William Shakespeare ma Billy the Kid!

Emang sih Michael Scott itu bagus banget ngeramu semua mitologi di serial Nicholas Flamel ini. Semua dewa dari berbagai macam pantheon dikeluarin. Pemain baru kali ini? Ada Cernunnos dari mitologi Celt (yang kayaknya g ada hubungan sama Tuatha de Danann). Tapiiii... kalau pake karakter yang dulunya orang biasa terus sekarang jadi luar biasa itu gimana gitu.

John Dee? Okelah, dia main antagonist, dan memang menguasai ramalan serta orang kepercayaan Ratu Elizabeth. Maka g masalah dia jadi manusia abadi

Nicollo Machiavelli? Sikapnya kayak ular itu, mendukung juga buat jadi manusia abadi

Joan the Arc? Memang dirinya itu kan mistis, walau suaminya si St Germain itu rada maksa

Palamedes? Demi alasan keeksotisan aja kali ya, hihihi. Mumpung di segi wanita ada Scathach (yang memang tokoh mitologi), supaya pihak kesatria ada lakinya (berasa kayak main games)

Sisanya, makhluk2 supranatural yang bikin hati ini girang.. yg dirusak dengan kehadiran William Shakespeare. I mean, he's just a poet, cuma manusia biasa gitu -__-"

Ceritanya sendiri makin seru, alurnya cepet, semua kejadian cuma sehari. Misteri tentang si kembar makin pelik, Nicholas Flamel main rahasia mulu. Tapi yang keren dan mencuri perhatian di Sorceress ini ya Perenelle. Apalagi judul buku ini memang ditujukan untuk dia. Di lain sisi Nicholas udah makin ngos-ngosan, Perenelle masih hebat aja padahal musuhnya segambreng. Suka deh Michael Scott bikin tokoh wanita yang hebat-hebat di serial ini (mulai dari Perenelle, Scathach, Joan, dll)

Untunglah udah punya buku 4-6, hahaha
Styxx - Sherrilyn Kenyon Just a little note

I'm not read Acheron yet. The last Dark Hunter's book I read was Wulf's book. But I spent a long time wandering through Kenyon's site so I know some players in this book (the Atlanteans, the Egyptians, also some old characters) that's why I just read Styxx's story in the present. I know I'm weird, but he intrigue me more than Ash (thanks for Kenyon's marketing anyway).

And I cried.

I cried, I cried, I cried.

Just read 1/3 last part of books and I'm fuckin cried over Styxx and Ash. How I want to hug them both, assure them, everything will gonna be alright. Ms Kenyon again tell us, how no one is eternally evil, no one is pure as saint. Everyone made mistake, no exception for Ash too. Styxx and Ash teach me how to see people from another different perspective.

To err is human, to forgive divine

Thanks Ms Kenyon to write Styxx. If just some part of Styxx make me crying a lot, my heart wrenching in pain and want to scream over his unfair destiny, how can I read Acheron? *sobs*
Own the Wind  (Chaos #1) - Kristen Ashley Birthday gift from Adisty, in hope she will make me read KA's book and hopefully addicted to her. Hahaha, thank you! ^_^

Pacific Rim: The Official Movie Novelization

Pacific Rim: The Official Movie Novelization - Alex Irvine Pacific Rim : The Official Movie Novelization is the first movie tie-in I'd read. I never read this kind of book before, for I see that book will always be different from movie. For movie will never capture the essence of the book perfectly (and it's happen too for Lords of The Ring). In this case of novelization, it's interesting how to see the movie turn into book. And Alex Irvine doesn't dissapoint (well, he kinda did it, a little bit)

The story is very much alike the movie, with a note, you had seen the movie. If not, well, see the movie first. Like I'd said in my review of [bc:Pacific Rim: Tales From Year Zero|17277775|Pacific Rim Tales From Year Zero|Travis Beacham|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1367445658s/17277775.jpg|23891146], the movie will never become blockbuster. Simply because the overused apocalypse theme, American think robotic movie just for children (you are so wrong here, guys), Japanese think that Pacific Rim just copy what they had done with Gundam and Evangelion. Yes, I'm kinda a nerd here, even I'm not see mecha animes a lot, I see some same parts between Pacific Rim and Japanese mechas. Also, the story of the movie is too rushed, the acting also not too good. And that, sadly come from both Charlie Hunnam and Rinko Kikuchi as Raleigh Becket and Mako Mori.

Okay, enough with the movie. The book give us more insight into how if Pacific Rim developed better by Guillermo del Toro. There's soooo much info, so much detail that not explained in the movie. We know that Raleigh lost Yancy, his brother. So, he should look as tortured hero in the movie right? But I can't feel it when watch for I think Raleigh movie version is just a goody guys (even I admit his abs and pecs are yum!). Raleigh's book version come out snob, arrogant, even to Mako. But I feel his pain and emotions. I feel his lost over Yancy. How it's still affect him after 5 years.

The good part is how Alex Irvine mix some Japanese words, especially from Mako. The movie is too American, everyone talk in English. In the book both Mako and Raleigh (and Stacker Pentecost too) also talk in Japanese. Another character such as Herc and Chuck Hansen, Dr Gottlieb and the essentric Dr Newt, the LOCCENT technician Tendo Choi, Hannibal Chau also playing important part. Surprisely, the pilot of Cherno Alpha and Crimson Typhoon also have dialogue! While in the movie they just like side characters.

Alex Irvine explore some scenes that not described in the movie. Like the fight Raleigh did when he work at the Wall, other characters thought, and so many others. Make sense if the director cut it, even I will love to see it. Each chapter end with personnel dossier, jaeger characteristic, funny tidbits about the Kaiju's cult, and trivia. For the fans of the movie, it's will give they more information about Pacific Rim

Well, I do have complaint for Alex Irvine write the ending sooo differently with the movie. If you see the movie, and this is kinda spoilerish, you see that after Mako and Raleigh save themselves, they just hug each other while waiting the coppers arrive. Nothing special, yet I know that they become more than friend. Sadly, Alex Irvine decide to make them.. kissing! Also write that Mako want to kiss Raleigh when she see him scarred and alone when first arrived from Alaska. I know about that when see the movie, Mister! But I appreciate for them to become partner first and not let sexual tension to cloud their feeling to each other. Even, my romantic side kinda approved about their kiss. Just.. a bit.

Overall, Alex Irvine do a god job to write this movie tie-in. Not perfect since his writing style kinda weird for me (is he can't write dialogue in the book??). Whether you enjoy Pacific Rim or not, this movie tie-in is worth to read
Pacific Rim: Tales From Year Zero - Alex Ross When I watch Pacific Rim, I know that the movie will never become blockbuster. Simple, it's too silly, esp for USA audience (I'm not American BTW). Also apocalypse theme is kinda overused. But, surprisely, I'm enjoy the movie. Love the graphic, love Charlie Hunnam (ehm), and it's kinda remind me of my childhood that somehow delighted to see Ultraman beat the monster (haha)

Pacific Rim : Tales from Year Zero contain 3 part. First part told from Tendo Choi's view, about K-Day. That is when the first Kaiju attack. We will get to see Stacker Pentecost's sister, Luna. And maybe she is the reason why in the movie, Stacker holding the responsibility for the demise of the kaijus.

The second part is told us how the Jaeger made for the first time. How it'd developed, how it's need 2 brain to make it work. I like this part, maybe because it's have so many romantic element on it.

The third part is from various POV. From Pentecost, the Beckett brothers (Yancy and Raleigh) and Mako Mori. We will know that Stacker once had partner, Tamsin Sevier, but she suffer from the radiation effect. People that read it after see the movie will have an "aha moment", for they who still not see it, they will understand without spoiled too much.

All the story are intertwined by a journalist named Naomi, which of course not in the movie. Pacific Rim Tales from Year Zero is a must read if you love Pacific Rim, or even you find the movie just okay, you don't want to miss this one. Maybe, the movie will always seen as mediocre movie, but I feel it will become cult in the future

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - Hewan-hewan Fantastis dan Di Mana Mereka Bisa Ditemukan

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - Hewan-hewan Fantastis dan Di Mana Mereka Bisa Ditemukan - J.K. Rowling Buku tipis, lumayan buat nambahin jumlah buku di reading challenge *ketawa setan*

Dapat obralan di La Piazza, buku in dijual 7500. Mirissss. Awal baca buku ini sudah lama sekali, pas jaman SMA atau Kuliah, Which is.. 8 years ago kayaknya (langsung merasa uzur). Dulu harganya masih di kisaran 30ribu deh, dan karena jadi mahasiswa kere, maka alternatifnya adalah ngerental.

Ditulis sama JK Rowling sendiri, dengan nama samaran Newt Salamander (atau Scamander, mbuh wis :P), buku ini layaknya buku pelajaran. Menarik, tapi membosankan. Untungnya ada coretan - coretan Harry dan Ron yang lumayan bikin bibir ini tersungging. Tipiss dan sedikit jumlah halamannya, maka ga heran kalau setengah jam juga sudah selesai. Yang membuat buku ini keren adalah, imaginasi tante Rowling yang tak terbatas, dan bagaimana dengan cerdiknya beliau menghubungkan beberapa makhluk mitologi yang memang sudah terkenal di kalangan manusia (or muggle) ke dalam dunia sihirnya.

Buku yang membuat saia jadi pengen re-read Harry Potter lagi :)

Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus!
The Darkest Touch (Lords of the Underworld, #11) - Gena Showalter Torin's story.

And I'd read everywhere that Gena once plan that Torin's book is the last. And now the last book is for Cameo?
If she decide it so, I just hope the best for Cameo. I want her to be happy to like her cohorts. And of course happines for Torin.
Kiss of the Night (Dark-Hunter, #5) - Sherrilyn Kenyon 3 stars

I admit this is my first attempt to again reading paranormal romance (from 3rd POV), after for months I neglect my favorite genre (*gasp). Also, the last time I read Dance with The Devil, which is Zarek's was 3 years ago. So, I have a "Dark-Hunter" hangover there. Also "purple prose" hangover, a "insta-love" hangover and well "throw the pregnancy to make everything more complicated" hangover too *duh!*. About purple prose, well, since I'm just married, and of course do a lot of hanky panky part, I'm giggling over Wulf and Cassie's sex scene. I mean "gawd, if only hubby read this, he will be ashamed", lol! One thing also copy one of Basic Instinct scene,hmmm...

We start with what I don't like or just feel okay, first. There's a loophole there and there. Like how Cassie can believe Kat, her bodyguard for 5 years yet she don't know anything about her. And when Kat reveal who herself is and still something is vague, Cassie still believe her. Then, the dream scene with Wulf. Look like Kenyon make things up, just so we believe that they can procreate, that's it. The deus-ex-machina plot in the end with Acheron and Cassie, is same old same old. But, consider Kiss of The Night was published on 2004, when not so many PNR books published for reader, it's still acceptable.

What I liked and loved, is the Atlantean Myth that Kenyon weaved. I'm a huge mythology fans, and I'm amazed how Kenyon can make her own version of Greek and Atlantis's myth. From the Atlantean pantheon to the myth of Apollite and Daimons. See, she used vampire, like sooo many PNR books out there. But, she's not make the vampire world ashamed with make them bling-bling in the sun (yes, shame on you, Meyer!). She blend the vampire into her own myth, and make it's believable. While I'm just meh into the romance part (ehm, we know that HEA will always happen here), I love the way she's not portray that good is good, evil is naturally evil. There's will always a grey area. From Dark Hunter view, Daimon and Apollites are enemy. No mercy for them, no hesitation to kill them. But from Wulf, we will know the many side of Apollites. How not all of them bad, some even embraced their destiny, to die painfully on their 27th birthday.

While I'm not too fond of Wulf and Cassie (they are too generic, imo), I love the appearance of Kyrian, Talon, Julian and of course Zarek. Acheron is still enigmatic, and even I already know who he is (thanks for the all spoiler from the next books), I'm still excited to know more about him. The new characters such as Kat, Stryker, Apollymi and Urian also make the story more interesting. Poor Urian *sigh*.

Kenyon is a talented writer, and I like how she blend myth to her Dark Hunter series (add it with Were-Hunter and Dream-Hunter). Not an easy job, tho. Of course, I will still read the next.